Air Pistol Shooting Target Paper (Set of 100 Target)

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹100.00.

SKU CSS/SA/PT/001 Categories ,

Targets are made to fit both pellet traps, as well as range use. The target is on cardboard for easier sighting and better stability. 17.g CM x 17.5 CM. Package of 1000.Improve your accuracy with this 1000-pack of paper targets. The targets come on poster board for easier sighting and better stability, and are designed for the Cone pellet trap in addition to range use. Always use appropriate ear and eye protection and make sure your range has a secure and reliable backstop.


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10 Meter Air Pistol Target Paper.

– 17.5 cm x17.5 cm.

– Set of 1000 Target Papers

– Designed to fit standard target holders

– With bull and numbered rings



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